Baton Rouge Talcum Powder Lawyer

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Baton Rouge, LA Talcum Powder Lawsuit Attorney

For years, talcum powder was the primary ingredient in baby powder and other body and facial powders. Talc helps absorb moisture and cut down on friction, but it can also contain asbestos, a substance known to cause cancers in and around the lungs when inhaled.

Many manufacturers claim their talc is asbestos-free, yet countless people develop mesothelioma and ovarian cancer after using talcum powders. Talc that contains asbestos is carcinogenic to humans, so these manufacturers must be held responsible.

If you have been harmed by talcum powder, the Louisiana class action lawsuit attorneys Day Law Group is here to help.

Call us at 225-200-0000 to get started today.

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the tissue that lines your lungs, stomach, heart, and other organs (mesothelium). Most people who get mesothelioma develop it as a result of asbestos exposure, and the disease typically begins in the lungs.

Symptoms of mesothelioma include:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Pain under the rib cage
  • Pain, swelling, or lumps in the abdomen

Seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the symptoms above then contact the Louisiana injury attorneys at Day Law Group.

If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma as a result of using talc, contact our Baton Rouge talcum powder lawyers today.

Baton Rouge Talcum Powder Lawsuit Attorney


When particles from talcum powder travel to the ovaries, they may increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Talc powder containing asbestos can also cause cancer. While talc may not be toxic by itself, any talc that is contaminated with asbestos has the potential to cause ovarian cancer. Some manufacturers, like Johnson & Johnson, knew their talc powders contained asbestos but did nothing to warn consumers.


Reach out to DAY LAW GROUP today for a consultation by contacting us at 225-200-0000 or by sending us an email through the online contact form.


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